Frank Potterstone Books

Monday, October 31, 2011

Short Ghost Stories to Tell-Amanda

Editors Note: I have scoured the internet gathering up some great articles on some of the best Short Ghost Stories to Tell. Although, most of these are indeed short, I will be updating each and every day, so you'll never run out of ghost stories to tell. But for now, I hope these stories by various authors at Ezine Articles, should give you some insight to what the art of story telling is all about. And how you can have everyone you know amazed at your story telling abilities, but most importantly just have fun! after all that's what story telling is all about, getting together with family & friends and scaring each other senseless lol!

Amanda (A Ghost Story)
By Dennis Siluk Ed.D.

Amanda, a slight woman of twenty, with a small round expressive face, at a young age met allegedly the Ghost of Simon Magus (I say allegedly, because he could have been a demon incognito), with his quick nervous fingers, black piercing eyes, long black hair, and the way he could become absorbed in his victim, consequently drawing energy of his victim to him, the ghost-for he had told young Amanda he was such-with this energy source (perhaps a mischievous sprite in disguise, in a charade, of this first century magic sorcerer), clutched the arm of the young girl, her little tense face become expressed, as he became transfigured, from her vigor, accordingly, she lost all her consciousness while in the process of his presence, and opinion she may have wanted to express for the moment she couldn't (then slowly regained them back).

That was the first meeting, ten-years ago, now Amanda, an office worker in a downtown insurance company, insuring the lives of some ten-thousand people, had continued this ongoing interest, in her ghostly relationship, unknowing if he was who he said he was, or of a demonic species.

((Let me update the reader on who Simon Nagus is. Simon the Sorcerer, of Gitta, 1st Century, founder of 'Simonians' a 2nd century Gnostic sect, which flourished in Syria, and flourished for some 250-years. As it has been said, he wanted powers the apostles had, and when he was not offered them, he went back to his demonic friends, and in the process told the masses he would fly, to show them his abilities, and he tried to fly, and he did fly with the help of the demonic forces, until Peter the Apostle, prayed to the high heavens, and thus, he fell and broke his legs. So this was the person in his ghostly form, visiting Amanda.)(The question arises, 'Is that possible?' This question may come up later.))

Simon had been talking to her flamboyantly of his abilities in past affairs, presupposing: what is the good of having power and talent if you do not use it; it was for the past, his way of thinking, and I would think, it was the way he thought when around Amanda, perhaps wanting to groom her for futuristic endeavors.

Amanda was intelligent; even disregarding of the usual womanly points of view to understand her hard driven grey-haired ghost; and during these years had built up a kind of understanding, and affection for each other (or so she thought). The problem being, ghosts may have such attributes, but demons don't and she became puzzled on his real identity, being at this later stage. He was at this point, part of her childhood they had sat at times, hours to talk and both looked forward with great pleasure to the time spent to together.

To her, he was at times her guide, counselor, and seemingly more than a friend.

Was he a friend or a henchman? The question now came up. The other question being and I had asked myself this: was she blind, or did she want to be blind?

Whatever the case, here was a little woman, half amusement for the eyes of the demon, cloaked as a ghost, laughing and astonished as he tells his fellow comrades in his assigned legion, of his charade.

"Oh, I'm not afraid of the Ghost." She went on to tell me, impulsively.

I supposed, I grinned.

She was what he called "One of the starving sheep," meaning, a person who found his world interesting, then it became more than curiosity and interesting, into the area of obsessions. You see there is much truth in the fact the devil would rather have you obsessed with his world-making you no good for God's world, or completely disbelieving of it-thus, less work for his cronies: anything in-between is annoying for him.

As he had been listening and watching her grow ever since their acquaintanceship began, talking that rang in her ears for years, the little black eyed devil, gave her a glimpse into a whole new purposeful universe of thought and energy, introducing her into a world she never dreamed. Strangely enough, she felt small, insignificant against the great walls of this new world in front of her, a world he was drawing her into.

No: 792 (4/10/2011)

Inspired, although fictionalized

See Dennis' web site:

Article Source: Amanda (A Ghost Story)

Now you are locked and loaded with some Short Ghost Stories to Tell.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Short Ghost Stories to Tell-Ghost Stories and Why We Love Them

Editors Note: I have scoured the internet gathering up some great articles on some of the best Short Ghost Stories to Tell. Although, most of these are indeed short, I will be updating each and every day, so you'll never run out of ghost stories to tell. But for now, I hope these stories by various authors at Ezine Articles, should give you some insight to what the art of story telling is all about. And how you can have everyone you know amazed at your story telling abilities, but most importantly just have fun! after all that's what story telling is all about, getting together with family & friends and scaring each other senseless lol!

Ghost Stories and Why We Love Them
By Ilse A Turnbull

Ghost stories have been around as long as man has. Whether or not we believe in ghosts, we will sit and listen, allowing ourselves to be pulled into the story and the world of the afterlife. Sometimes it's a world filled with awe and wonder, but most often it's one of bone chilling fear.

There is something that grips us while someone begins to spin the tale for us, we'll sit quietly while our hearts beat faster and faster, more than willing to go along with the storyteller whether we believe in ghosts or not.

Why Do We Love Ghost Stories?

Ghost stories are fun, and most of us enjoy a good scare. What better to scare us with than a force we have little power against, and with the added possibility that after we die we may enjoy that power too. Becoming a ghost is a continuation of this life, we are helpless to take any other course, it's a natural right of passage, the natural course of things. You are born, you die and you become a ghost. No harm, no foul, what more could we ask for?

Telling ghost stories fills the need we as humans can't deny, the possibility that we don't simply turn to dust and fade from the earth when our bodies no longer are of any use to us. Even the greatest sceptic is willing to put their view aside, even if it's only subconsciously, and wonder if it's possible to come back after death and pay a little visit to those we love, or perhaps those we were never too fond of.

It's the mystery of unknown in ghost stories we hear that draws us to them. Hearing a story from someone who has experienced something we hope to a visit from the dead. Even though we might say we never want to deep inside we think a tiny glimpse wouldn't be such a bad thing.

It's a reaffirmation of the likelihood of life after death. It's a glimpse into the mystery of something we know very little about but a journey we will all take eventually.

For some of us it's reassuring and for others absolutely terrifying, but in the end ghost stories hold a fascination for all of us whether they are truth or fiction and we'll gladly huddle around the storyteller with rapt attention while he tells us of his most terrifying experience.

Ilse A Turnbull has been interested in ghosts and the paranormal since the time her family moved into a 200 year old farm house and found out it was haunted. The adventure began then and hasn't ended yet. You can find some of her true ghost stories right here at

Article Source: Ghost Stories and Why We Love Them

Now you are locked and loaded with some Short Ghost Stories to Tell.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Short Ghost Stories to Tell-Bell Witch-True Ghost Story

Editors Note: I have scoured the internet gathering up some great articles on some of the best Short Ghost Stories to Tell. Although, most of these are indeed short, I will be updating each and every day, so you'll never run out of ghost stories to tell. But for now, I hope these stories by various authors at Ezine Articles, should give you some insight to what the art of story telling is all about. And how you can have everyone you know amazed at your story telling abilities, but most importantly just have fun! after all that's what story telling is all about, getting together with family & friends and scaring each other senseless lol!

Bell Witch - True Ghost Story
By DeWayne Strickland

The Bell Witch is based on true events that will send a cold chill down your spine and make the hair on the back of your neck stand up. When you try to sleep tonight, just remember that I warned you about the Bell Witch.

Just like in the movie "The Ring", once you look into the darkness, it looks back at you. Your life will never be the same once you know about the Bell Witch and your thirst to know more is never quenched. Are you ready for a "True Ghost Story"?

According to the Legend, John Bell was the only person recognized by any state to have been killed by a spirit. The Legend dates back to the time of General Andrew Jackson, in the early 1800s. The story has a special interest for me, because I live in Tennessee. Nice to know the Bell Witch is not too far away!

How would you like to visit the Bell Witch location in Tennessee? Bring your camera, because you never know what you will see. You can even visit the hidden Bell Witch cave, which lies on the property of the ill-fated Bell family.

Imagine being home alone at night and the lights have been dimmed. Your relaxing and all of a sudden you hear a rapping noise. Next, you hear knocks and scratching sounds, and no one is there. Have you ever heard unusual noises while you where sleeping? Maybe some breathing in the corner of your room and no one was there?

You look into the darkness and see what you think is a human figure, or is it? It gets very cold and you feel this dark forceful presence upon you. You know your not alone; You begin to think your mind is playing tricks on you. Is it all in your head?

You see a shadow out of the corner of your eye, and you know not to be so curious. It realizes you are afraid and it can smell your fear. You want to run, but there is no where to run. You want to scream, but it is too late.

The Bell family knew what terror was and even Mr. Bell tried to keep it a secret. It was to be exposed by the Bell Witch! She had to make her voice heard and physically attacked a family to make her point!

According to the Bell Witch Legend, The spirit of Kate Batts terrorized the Bell family. Sticking the daughter with pins and pulling her hair. There were physical manifestations and bed sheets flying off the beds. Again, whats makes this chilling, is that it is not some fictional story or one of Stephen King's best sellers, it is a "True Ghost Story".

The Bell Witch legend is a part of history and if you are as curious as I am, you will seek more answers to this "True Ghost Story". Perhaps a visit to Adams, Tennessee, why not see if you can touch the presence of the Bell Witch's eerie past, and if fate allows maybe more.

The new owners have reported strange ghostly shapes and have heard unexplained sounds. Imagine taking a tour and hearing eerie sounds coming from the hidden corners of the cave. Picture yourself with a camera taking pictures and you just happen to capture a shadowy figure on your camera.

Just think, you could experience the past of this "True Ghost Story". Imagine the look on your friends' faces, when you tell this story around a camp fire.

There is a road sign about the hauntings located on Highway 41. This scary tale has tours and a Bellwood cemetery, all of it located in Adams, Tennessee. Call ahead for tour times at (615) 696-3055.

"Will you visit Adams, Tennessee. Or are you too scared!"

This amazing story continues to grow stronger then ever. Are you fascinated by scary fiction(Stephen King)? A "True Ghost Story", will keep your interest and compels you to know more! The Bell Witch is waiting. Will you be next?

Copyright 2006 DeWayne Strickland

DeWayne H. Strickland has been a Film Freak since the time he could walk. He is a webdesigner and is the crazy movie review critic at:

Article Source: Bell Witch - True Ghost Story

Now you are locked and loaded with some Short Ghost Stories to Tell.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Short Ghost Stories to Tell-The Sea Wolf

Editors Note: I have scoured the internet gathering up some great articles on some of the best Short Ghost Stories to Tell. Although, most of these are indeed short, I will be updating each and every day, so you'll never run out of ghost stories to tell. But for now, I hope these stories by various authors at Ezine Articles, should give you some insight to what the art of story telling is all about. And how you can have everyone you know amazed at your story telling abilities, but most importantly just have fun! after all that's what story telling is all about, getting together with family & friends and scaring each other senseless lol!

The Sea Wolf
By Lucy Sky

Book Review: The Sea Wolf by Jack London

The Sea wolf is a novel written by Jack London. It is an intriguing tale about the adventures of a protagonist, Humphrey Van Weyden aboard the ship called the Ghost. The novel is about Humphrey who is a cultured young gent that finds himself in tough terrain and difficult situations. He is put in conditions where he is tempted to compromise his moral beliefs and honour but he refuses to do so even when the men around him disregard such values as signs of weakness. It is a difficult situation, but Humphrey is forced to face it with every ounce of moral fibre in his body.

At the beginning of the novel, Jack introduces us to this character who is travelling on a boat in the Frisco bay area. Dense fog appears which the steamer fails to notice, another boat in the fog appears and they crash into it.

He then finds himself lost and stranded in the cold waters of San Francisco Bay. Not being a very capable swimmer and also lacking the resources to save himself, he is completely unprepared for the disaster that he now faces. Finally he accepts that he is going to lose this battle against the waters for his life, then luck shines down upon him as the Ghost picks him up from the waters.

At this point of the story, the author introduces the captain of the Ghost and his name is Wolf Larsen. He is described as a rugged, handsome fellow which masks his actual terrifying nature. Humphrey on his first few meetings with the captain is not able to figure him out completely but senses that this man is not exactly what you would call honourable. The captain starts to concoct his plans which are totally different to what he tells Humphrey. What follows next is a tale of deception and adventure which I leave to the readers to find out.

The Sea Wolf is a literary classic, a tale of good over evil entwined in a good old fashioned perilous adventure story.

If you would like to find out how to get this book for free click here

For your chance to get a free iPad or Amazon Kindle do check out thanks.

Article Source: The Sea Wolf

Now you are locked and loaded with some Short Ghost Stories to Tell.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Short Ghost Stories to Tell-Abigails No Ghosts Here!

Editors Note: I have scoured the internet gathering up some great articles on some of the best Short Ghost Stories to Tell. Although, most of these are indeed short, I will be updating each and every day, so you'll never run out of ghost stories to tell. But for now, I hope these stories by various authors at Ezine Articles, should give you some insight to what the art of story telling is all about. And how you can have everyone you know amazed at your story telling abilities, but most importantly just have fun! after all that's what story telling is all about, getting together with family & friends and scaring each other senseless lol!

Abigail's: No Ghosts Here!
By Ron Kirstein

Many of the older restaurants and accommodations in Victoria, and even the Royal Victoria Golf Course have ghost stories attached to them. Guests of Abigail's Hotel often ask for the ghost story and the incredibly accommodating staff would love to tell them one. Unfortunately, the ghosts have not been forthcoming.

Abigail's Hotel is perched on the edge of downtown Victoria, just a stone's throw from the Inner Harbour and it is truly one of Victoria's best kept secrets. Well not any more! I am letting the cat out of the bag! I have lived here for over 20 years and driven by countless times, each time wondering what it was like. I have been in a number of stately old hotels and they were all nice, but often disappointing. Not so with Abigail's.

When we drive past the entrance to the hotel, we immediately notice the well-kept English gardens. Passing between the Coach House and the Inn, both buildings look very similar. At first glance, we could not tell that they were built 50 years apart. We park and are immediately greeted by Tomas, the super friendly front-desk attendant. He guides us to our room and fully informs us about the hotel and the services. Breakfast in bed sounds appealing, but we opt for breakfast with the other guests.

Our room is spacious and adorned with just about every amenity we could ever desire. Is it the delicious welcoming cookies, the cozy couch in front of the fireplace, the four poster bed, or the marble ensuite bathroom with Jacuzzi and rain-head shower? Our room is decorated with rich country furnishings, goose down duvet and pillows, silk bedspread, and fancy throw pillows. It is luxurious and very comfortable.

The library in the main building is a meeting place and between five and seven o'clock, refreshments and complimentary hors d'oeuvres are available. In a short time, we meet friendly people from Louisiana, Nevada, Ontario, and Alberta. Tomas is at hand taking good care of us.

For supper, we take a short walk downtown, no more than 3 or 4 short blocks. We visit the very popular Noodle House to find out what all the fuss is about. Well, not what we anticipated, but a unique experience and very tasty food! I did not expect spoiling my wife with chopsticks and a takeout cardboard box, but nothing is too good for my Queen!

In the morning, we sit down to a superb gourmet breakfast. A large table seats most of the guests. Arriving late, we sit at a table for four and are soon joined by a young couple from Oregon. Abigail's is designed and operated so that people can easily interact with each other, adding to the enjoyment of the visit. If you come for privacy, the spacious rooms can be your private hide-away and you can order you breakfast in bed!

After breakfast, Marion Hansen (general manager) takes us on a tour of the hotel. Each room is unique, yet all have the same special touches that make Abigail's unique. All of the staff, from marketing, management, housekeeping and dining are so friendly and helpful. It is hard to imagine why anyone would stay anywhere else.

You can tell how much they care, especially when Marion tells us how they invite some of the neighbors over for Christmas dinner. The owner's philosophy is certainly well entrenched in all of the staff and is evident in the care and attention to detail in both the hotel design and style as well as in the service provided to guests.

When we check out, we are presented with a small gift bag containing a two bottles of water, treats and a guidebook to other "select accommodations". Working in tourism makes me really appreciate the businesses that take it seriously. This business has truly earned its "five stars".

So, now it is time to play tourist! Our choice for the day is to visit the Victoria Art Gallery. The Art Gallery is just minutes from Abigail's and is inside historic Spencer Mansion in the Rockland neighborhood. We go there because there is an exhibition of the art of Takao Tanabe, an artist born in Seal Cove, British Columbia. The artist is a recipient of several major awards and is internationally renowned. His art provides a unique view of land, sea and sky apparent in his expansive and beautiful landscape paintings. The formidable size of his paintings presents an awe-inspiring vision of Canada and particularly the West Coast.

We continue our exploration by heading out to Sidney by the Sea for lunch. Since we have hit most of the local restaurants, we are looking for a new experience. A friend had mentioned the Dakota restaurant at the Victoria Flying Club, so we check it out! From our table, we can see out onto the runway, so all through lunch a variety of planes taxi quite close by.
We heard the breakfasts were award winning and find that they serve breakfast on the weekends all day long. We make our selection and enjoy a very good lunch.

After lunch, we explore Sidney and do some shopping and touring.

On the way home, I reflect on our fabulous stay at Abigail's. I am thinking about ghost stories that I could make up for inquiring minds. The fact is, they just don't need a ghost. Abigail sells herself!

Reflections on Abigail's: peaceful, quiet, comfortable, luxurious but not ostentatious, friendly, a meeting place, charming, romantic, very special. The finest accommodation in Victoria!

Ron Kirstein is the owner of a Canadian Travel & Tourism Web
site (since 1995). Ron has traveled the length and breadth
of Vancouver Island BC Canada in search of
adventures; see

Article Source: Abigail's: No Ghosts Here!

Now you are locked and loaded with some Short Ghost Stories to Tell.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Short Ghost Stories to Tell-A True Ghost Story from Ireland

Editors Note: I have scoured the internet gathering up some great articles on some of the best Short Ghost Stories to Tell. Although, most of these are indeed short, I will be updating each and every day, so you'll never run out of ghost stories to tell. But for now, I hope these stories by various authors at Ezine Articles, should give you some insight to what the art of story telling is all about. And how you can have everyone you know amazed at your story telling abilities, but most importantly just have fun! after all that's what story telling is all about, getting together with family & friends and scaring each other senseless lol!

A True Ghost Story From Ireland
By David Slone

I want to tell you about a ghost experience that was shared with me by a friend from Ireland, but first a few words in general about ghosts:

A ghost is the spirit of a dead person, or sometimes an animal, and sometimes manifests looking very much as they did in life, and is usually encountered in places the person spent a lot of time while they were corporeal. The word "ghost" is also used to reference any spirit or demon. Ghosts are usually found haunting the area in which they died.

According to parapsychological circles a ghost haunting is the nearly steady occurrence of supernatural phenomena associated with a particular area, like a house or a stretch of highway, and is attributed to the activities of a disembodied entity, or ghost. The haunting may include the physical appearance of a ghost, or some poltergeist activity, glowing orbs, disembodied voices, etc.

Ghosts are a strange phenomena that has fascinated mankind for ages. According a 2005 Gallup poll, about 32% of Americans believed ghosts exist. The word apparition is now used in the field of parapsychology, because the word ghost is thought to be too imprecise.

The belief in ghosts as the souls, or spirits of the person who has passed on is tied to the very old concept of animism, which teaches that everything in nature has a soul, including, animals, plants, human beings, rocks, trees, etc.

Ghosts, whether you believe in them or not, are a part of human history. For as long as man has sought for the meaning of his existence and the knowledge of what happens after a person dies, stories of encounters with the ghosts, or spirits, of loved ones have been told. For some, it is a comfort, a confirmation that there is life after death.

For even more ghost stories and paranormal subjects visit

Here is a true ghost experience that was shared with me by a friend:

Well I remember when I was about 6 years of age my parents had bought a small hotel in the west of Ireland, I used to get very bad nightmares all the time from the time they moved in, one night I remember waking up in the middle of the night and the curtain on the window of the bedroom was suspended up in the air, and something said my surname, the window was shut and there was no breeze, I knew this was out of the ordinary and started roaring.

Anyway we had a live in barmaid from the country and she used to hear noises in the wardrobe at night, she would hop out of bed and open the wardrobe thinking it was mice or something, there was never anything there when she did open it, things progressed so that sometimes she would see the door knob of her bedroom door turning and she would open the door and there would be nobody there.

One Night she dreamt she was being smothered and woke up with a startle and saw a "habit" (the Robe they bury a dead person in) floating across the room and disappear through the wall. My dad did some enquiries with locals and it turned out that someone had hanged themselves in the barmaids bedroom.

Needless to Say we didn't stay too much longer after that!

There is definitely something out there!

If you like to read real life ghost stories visit True Ghost Tales at where you will find ghost stories and pictures, werewolves, vampires, monsters and more.

Article Source: A True Ghost Story From Ireland

Now you are locked and loaded with some Short Ghost Stories to Tell.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Short Ghost Stories to Tell-Sheena and the Doppelganger

Editors Note: I have scoured the internet gathering up some great articles on some of the best Short Ghost Stories to Tell. Although, most of these are indeed short, I will be updating each and every day, so you'll never run out of ghost stories to tell. But for now, I hope these stories by various authors at Ezine Articles, should give you some insight to what the art of story telling is all about. And how you can have everyone you know amazed at your story telling abilities, but most importantly just have fun! after all that's what story telling is all about, getting together with family & friends and scaring each other senseless lol!

Sheena and the Doppelganger - Horror Story
By Allison Crow

As part of our curriculum in college, my group mates and I were assigned to do a documentary about the old colonial-style houses and ruins of historic sites that rest among the urban communities. We wanted to impress our professor so we decided to shoot most of the film with the ruins as the background. Unfortunately, our budget has limited us to do the filming inside an abandoned building instead but which resembles the ruins in some ways. It was a convincing "mock" setting and we ended up shooting there until sunset due to the uncooperative weather.

The focus of the documentary was simply the historical value of the subjects. It didn't strike us at first that there is an eerie feel about the project.

While we were packing things up to head to our next destination, which is an old village, my classmate Sheena made an excuse to go to the restroom.

"Just stay here, guys. I need to pee," she said as she tugged her boyfriend to go with her.

All of us were busy with our knapsacks to pay any attention to Sheena; after all, it was already dark by the time we have finished shooting and we definitely won't leave the place until we were ready to go.

At about thirty minutes after we last heard of Sheena, she was still nowhere in sight. We couldn't afford to have someone look for her for we have sensed that something might go wrong. To our surprise, Sheena's boyfriend was with us and he himself was impatiently waiting for her to come back.

"Why are you here? We thought she tagged you along," we asked.

"No, man. I was helping Alex with the cables, right?" he replied in a rather irritated tone.

Chills went down our spines and we began to worry. Worse, Sheena had left her phone in her knapsack. Just when we are about to search for her, Sheena appeared, panting and crying.

"Where have you been? We're all getting worried here," her boyfriend asked.

"Worried? I told you to just stay by the door while I was inside the cubicle but you left! I saw a ghost right by the restroom door!" Sheena cried.

We rushed to our van and tossed our stuff inside right away. While we were driving away, Sheena related her scary story to us.

It so happened that the guy Sheena thought was her boyfriend was actually the ghost she had seen standing outside the restroom. How she had mistaken it for her boyfriend, she didn't know. They were so much alike, she said, except that the one she had been with "was rather cold in touch" but she just didn't mind until she had seen the apparition.

Sheena also said that she can't find her way back to our meeting place. Whenever she takes turns through the corridors, they always lead her back to the restroom. After trying four times around the hallways, she fretfully recited a prayer, then suddenly she saw us all in the distance. Sheena looked so freaked out while telling her story that it had to be true.

If you enjoyed this story, read more like it at horror stories. is a humanities weblog that features short stories by D.B. Crow.

Article Source: Sheena and the Doppelganger - Horror Story

Now you are locked and loaded with some Short Ghost Stories to Tell.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Short Ghost Stories to Tell-The Crossroads Demon

Editors Note: I have scoured the internet gathering up some great articles on some of the best Short Ghost Stories to Tell. Although, most of these are indeed short, I will be updating each and every day, so you'll never run out of ghost stories to tell. But for now, I hope these stories by various authors at Ezine Articles, should give you some insight to what the art of story telling is all about. And how you can have everyone you know amazed at your story telling abilities, but most importantly just have fun! after all that's what story telling is all about, getting together with family & friends and scaring each other senseless lol!

The Crossroads Demon
By Bloode Thomas

There be a crossroads demon here in our town; a lonely one, a saddened one but all the same a demon. Demons don't like normal folk, they be jealous. They be jealous of what we are, and something they will never be. I've seen enough folk come and go throughout this town to know the difference between a hoax and a real life experience. The crossroads demon, well he looks pretty normal. He looks just like you or me, heck he could even pass as human right? Oh but kiddo, that's where you're wrong.

Normal humans like you or me kiddo, we got shadows. This fella don't.

A crossroads demon doesn't care who you are.

You drive down to the roads, just where the train track and the actual road meets and boy oh boy, you'll see him, plain as day. He'll be standing there, a smile on his face but his eyes aren't blue or brown or green, they have the colour of scarlet. That bloody damn colour. He'll smile at you and wave you closer and you'd think he'd be like any other teenage kid.

You see, if you got no shadow then you can't pass anywhere in the world. A shadow is what ties you to this earth, it's what ties you to the lie and the dark and every other section of the natural way of the planet. It's also your life. You think for a moment, if your shadow is a life signature what happens when its gone? Well that's easy. You be dead but you just don't know it. You'll watch the world fade away and wonder why everyone's forgotten you and why everyone seems to grow old and die so goddamn fast.

They can't see you no more. Only a demon got that power to stay in the world of the living and actually be seen by the living.

There ain't no hell and there certainly ain't no heaven if you got no shadow boy. That crossroads demon, he'll walk right up to you, talk to you and stare. He'll bend down like he's dropped a quarter and pick up your shadow. Then he'll run to the other side of the tracks and that'll be the end of it. You've just lost your life, just as easy and as quick as that and even with a smile served.

The crossroads demon ain't got a name, but every person that crosses those tracks just disappears. Again purely cause we can't see the dead. The shadow ain't just your soul, it's a combination of your soul and your flesh, hence why we never see no bodies.

Ain't no blood or gore, just like that you're gone.

A crossroads demon cant be reasoned with.

One thing I am noticing though, a lot of people are disappearing lately; every one of em at crossroads, regardless of trains. Even just you're normal intersections and crossroads.

I drove into town the other day, drove right past a woman and a little girl walking to the other side; A guy without a shadow walking right up to em. He smiled and waved and did this thing, bending down to pick up a quarter. He snatched those shadows right up and ran, and I mean ran. Faster than a human can.

That's what they are kiddo. They be a crossroads demon. So quick, painless and so final. Ain't no one ever wanna end their life so quick like that.

These days I don't walk across those pedestrian crossings because you can't see a crossroads demon until it's too goddamn late. I'll drive across but I'm always quick about it. I see too many people just die and disappear like they were never there.

A crossroads demon don't care about your family, or your working life. They ain't care you got a mortgage to pay or a thousand goddamn bills. They see right into your soul and they know exactly what burdens you got hanging right over your head but again they don't care.

I keep thinking if I find the crossroads demon that took away my wife maybe I'll have some closure but every time I get close enough to the bastard its that smile. It just paralyses you. How many time now have I come so close to that death?

Oh don't get me wrong, I've shot him. I've pumped shotgun shells into him; I've nailed him with.45 Handgun rounds. I've done everything I can to him, but nothing ever works. He simply heals up quick as a flash and stands there smiling like the world's on fire but he's too happy to care.

Your only option is to high tail it outta there and past those crossroads because a crossroads demon can't pass the barrier that makes the road a crossroad. They can't pass those barriers because that's where the living is the strongest.

Let me ask you this, what's stronger? A circle or a cross? If you said a circle, you'd be damn right. The world of the living might as well be exactly that, a circle. Inside that circle at different points there are these crosses. Ideally that's where our roads are, and it's here with the constant coming and going that our barriers are weakest. That's exactly where these bastards wait and they can wait an eternity.
A crossroads demon doesn't care how long it has to wait.

Their world is boring to em, too much power, too much corruption not enough humor or the beauty of the random event. Every time now that I drive by an intersection, even out here in the country, I see em. I see those people just standing at the lights and the crossing and sometimes, just sometimes I see someone without a shadow. Right there, that's enough for me and most of the time I feel like high tailing it home, but there's no point in doing that right there because a crossroads demon can smell the fear and if you ain't careful, he'll take your shadow alongside the cars shadow. The bigger something is, the bigger the shadow it casts in the light. You see my point?

A crossroads demon ain't one to be messed around with because if you do, there won't be a body to bury. It'll be like you never even existed at all.

Maybe pay attention the next time you cross a pedestrian crossing. Look around for the person without a shadow and if you see em, step off the crossing onto the road. If a car hits you, at least you know you're hurting enough to know you're alive.

You see anyone picking up a coin you've dropped, get the hell outta there!

Story written by Bloode Thomas, co-owner of

I, Bloode, have been writing ghost stories and short stories since I was young. Its only recently that I've turned my hobby into a true passion and combined it with the net.

Come say hello at my website - Short Ghost

Article Source: The Crossroads Demon

Now you are locked and loaded with some Short Ghost Stories to Tell.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Short Ghost Stories to Tell-Flinters Hill Train Station

Editors Note: I have scoured the internet gathering up some great articles on some of the best Short Ghost Stories to Tell. Although, most of these are indeed short, I will be updating each and every day, so you'll never run out of ghost stories to tell. But for now, I hope these stories by various authors at Ezine Articles, should give you some insight to what the art of story telling is all about. And how you can have everyone you know amazed at your story telling abilities, but most importantly just have fun! after all that's what story telling is all about, getting together with family & friends and scaring each other senseless lol!

Flinter's Hill Train Station and Janiey Lane the Suicidal Train
By Bloode Thomas

Flinter's Hill Station is a place that some days I call home. Out of work, out of a future, out of a whole damn world, this place is all I got. The people here died out long ago, I'm the only one left, well at least one of the living. It ain't a place you can shut your eyes and wish away the darkness. Nope, old Flinter's Hill ain't nothing like that. It's a damn old place, older than the surrounding town even. Flinter's Hill was here before we all jumped on the board the old train to civilisation, before we nestled and created a colony here. Flinter's shares house to a local cemetery and a big one at that. That there graveyard has been here longer then Flinter's even.

These trains going about the joint made enough noise to wake the dead. You go out way past the Sydney Rookwood Cemetery boundaries and follow the remnants of railway lines; you'll see the old dead station well enough. She ain't got much history cause no one wants to remember her and she's been renamed enough times for locals and history folk alike to never know her, but you follow those train lines, you'll see the old beauty. Of course she doesn't always appear on the lines, only occasionally she'll appear to those looking from the outside.

You see, right here at Flinter's Station, well we got ourselves a load of spooks. They ain't the usual type either; none of this occasional pop ups and wee bitty little orbs. Ain't none of that, Christ I wish there was some of that here. Nope, the ghosts at Flinter's, well... they ain't purely human, least not anymore. On top of that, they are angry spooks, angry angry spookies.

I seen em, I seen em every friggin' day especially before I go to sleep. There be a girl that walks along the platform, damn cow makes the biggest racket you could ever hear. This screaming, wailing constantly for hours at a time. She just endlessly paces up and down the platform, crying, crying, and crying out for something or someone.

Annoying as but ay' she be a beautiful girl, least she would be. I've made the mistake of looking into those black eyes before and I praise you be god right now, I'll never do that shit again. It ain't the terror that gets you, no way; you forget you're looking at a dead body. It's the emptiness that hits you, so hungry, so thirsty with an endless ache. She looks right at you and pulls you in and you ain't ever been so scared in your life.

These be mine ghost stories, be mine short ghost stories.

Some days I close my eyes, wish it all away and you can feel that weight on you. That human weight you've known all your life, like a honey you've met be laying on top of you giving you love, but you know you're alone. You're all on your lonesome with not a weapon, nor with barely a scrap of clean clothing and all you can do lay there. You know that if you open your eyes she'll be there, lying on top of you because you know it's her, it's her goddamn weight and she's just waiting, playing her own twisted waiting game to drive you crazy. You even try and open your eyes just even a whisper and BAM, she's got ya. I thought that after a year or two, I'd get used to her games but doubts are the devils tools and he's filling my heart and head with the lot of em.

She's only but one of the spooks, I call her Clara. A pretty name for a pretty girl eh?

Flinter's is a wreck and no one comes here any more. The trains all stopped, well, the real ones. You see these trains have been coming here so long, they do it on their own accord. Metal isn't supposed to think, it isn't supposed to have a spirit but these trains do. The No. 961-EF2 Train or as the folks here called her with affection - Janiey Lane the Wenches Train, well, that bitch still comes back. You ever have the time you can read about her on the grimy newspapers and rubbish strewn about this joint. You read about her crash, how she took out sixty seven people on the platform and demolished the one hundred and sixteen on board. Papers read the driver's brakes didn't respond at all, like the train didn't want to stop it demise.

Yet every night she's here, and you can see those people in the old world clothing. Dirty, ratted, excited yet scared to death they board her every night. She still has that beautiful grey, steel gleam on her, on her body and her wheels. Its only when you look at her now you get why they called her the Wenches Train, cause all the ladies would on board this beauty, all exclusively, all done up to the hilt with short skirts and high heels.

Janiey Lane the suicidal train more like it, she was just a descending axe taking the heads of those on board and executioner herself. You still see her here, you still hear her. Poor old Janiey Lane our suicidal train.

First you hear her horn in the night air, that blearing, saddening bleat that sounds like a machine crying with its rhythm. She gets closer to the platform and you see her beautiful eyes, those pink, pearly headlights all ablaze with colour. The people crowd onto her, all the ladies and the wenches. They talk; they giggle and laugh as she pulls up. The horn toots and she's off but something's wrong. She's crying like hell this time and she's not going to make it. Her wheels send sparks at all different angles as her crying becomes louder, her tooting becomes angrier.

You can she's not happy and she's not on the tracks properly. She's speeding up way too fast, too fast to be human error. She doesn't stop; she won't stop, not now. She lifts her wheels off the track on the exiting side of the platformand hits head on to. Half in and half out, she's nothing but a crumple of steel and iron. People are screaming everywhere as a section of the train station caves in but all the crying in the world won't do a thing. She keeps tooting, laboured breathes and bleats. Everyone around is too busy tending to the people, cause no one cares a damn about Janie Lane the Wenches Train. Those wenches don't care; they're too covered in blood to care. Janiey Lane our beautiful suicidal train cries herself to sleep as her oil seeps from her steel body and her wheels and doors work, they don't no more.

These be mine ghost stories, be mine short ghost stories.

Here at Flinter's Hill, we had another train. A man's train if there ever was one. Train No. 84620-ME, a huge iron beast with a coal burner, black from top to bottom, from wheel to window. The drivers and the passengers all had a name for him - Johnny Bane, the Lover's Train. He was taken off the tracks and put into the train graveyard not two weeks before Janiey Lane went off the rails.

Maybe that was the key to her sadness and her rage? Maybe she simply fell in love.

Aside from that Clara's still continuing her hide and seek and killing me all the slowly. The devil in the bowler hat is still laughing his head off and the wailing tracks, they're still wailing. Christ I hope I get some sleep tonight.

Welcome to Flinter's Hill Train Station, be careful on your journey.

This Short Story is created by Steen Olsson, Pen Name - Bloode Thomas.

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To read this original story on it's own featured webpage, please visit our featured stories page -

Article Source: Flinter's Hill Train Station and Janiey Lane the Suicidal Train

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Saturday, October 22, 2011

Short Ghost Stories to Tell-The Forgotten Body

Editors Note: I have scoured the internet gathering up some great articles on some of the best Short Ghost Stories to Tell. Although, most of these are indeed short, I will be updating each and every day, so you'll never run out of ghost stories to tell. But for now, I hope these stories by various authors at Ezine Articles, should give you some insight to what the art of story telling is all about. And how you can have everyone you know amazed at your story telling abilities, but most importantly just have fun! after all that's what story telling is all about, getting together with family & friends and scaring each other senseless lol!

The Forgotten Body - Short Ghost Story
By Allison Crow

Katy was twelve when she first knew that aside from her family, there was another presence in the house. It was almost dusk, and she was sitting alone at the swing out front. She had been waiting for Penny, the nanny, to call her in for dinner when she saw a lady in the kitchen window. The lady was wearing a long white dress, her hair was pitch black, and her skin pale in contrast. Even though she couldn't quite see the lady's face, she knew she was pretty. Katy was still looking at the lady when she turned her head and smiled. She headed back to the house but stopped in her tracks when she saw the lady up close, around the corner.

Where the lady's eyes should have been, were deep, dark and empty sockets. Her head was still inclined towards Katy, and on her mouth was a plastered smile. Katy almost uttered a scream when Penny came out to call her in, "Katy! There you are. What are you doing?"

"Hi, Penny! I'm starving..." She looked back into the kitchen, but the lady was no longer there.


"Please pass the peas, Katy. Katy? Katy!" her mom, Mrs. Marie, snapped her fingers.

"Oh. Yes, Mum?" Katy had been in a daze, thinking about her earlier encounter with their other resident.

"The peas, dearest darling," Katy did as she was asked. "Is there anything you'd like to talk about, darling? You've hardly touched your food."

She hesitated for a moment, in light of the possibility that if she told her mom what had transpired that afternoon, they might think her silly. But her mind wouldn't keep her at peace. "Mom, who owned this place before we moved in?"

Mr. and Mrs. Marie looked taken aback. After a bout of silence, her dad was first to speak.

"This place was empty for many years. The last occupants had left 13 years before we moved in. They were the Lucans. Why do you ask, Katy?"

"Hmm, is there any chance they had a daughter? Maybe about 20 years of age?"

"Where are all these questions coming from dear?" there was a hint of strain and panic in Mrs. Marie's voice.

"There was someone this afternoon, in the kitchen..."

Creak. Creak. Creak. They all turned to look at the stairs. After a few long moments, the creaking stopped, but the air in the house suddenly felt chilly, if only slightly.

"Dad, maybe we ought to move out tomorrow. Please, Dad." She had never seen her mom so frightened. Her dad agreed and told them to pack their things tonight.

Without asking, Katy figured out what was happening. After dinner, her mom helped her pack in her room. They went into bed together while her father was out to arrange their move tomorrow.

But Katy couldn't sleep that night. She felt as if someone was in the room with them, and someone was watching them both. That night, the house seemed cold despite it being summer, and noises were becoming more and more prominent as the night grew older.

Katy could not restrain herself any longer and decided to come down to the kitchen. She wanted to run back up when she saw the lady sitting quietly on the kitchen counter. Despite the hesitation in her legs, she mustered the last ounce of any courage she had left and approached the lady. She peered through the lady's dark hair and looked at her as though she actually had eyes. The lady smiled again.

"Who are you? What do you want?" Katy implored.

Even though the lady did not have eyes, she appeared sad and stood up. She took Katy by the arm and started leading her outside. While they were moving Katy felt the heat in her body slowly draining out where the lady's hand held her. She was scared but would not let her curiosity have her.

The lady knelt down beside the swing without saying a word. She sat still for a few moments, then started digging with both her hands, scraping her fingernails into the cold, damp earth. After a few minutes of what felt like an eternity, Katy started to see bones of a hand emerging from the dirt. And then she noticed that one finger had a ring. She helped dig with the lady after what seemed like an hour. The earth revealed bones of a young woman who passed away a long time ago. Katy looked over to where the lady was sitting, but all she saw was the swing. And empty earth. Her mother woke up and came looking for her, and all that they had seen, they reported to the police.

The body was of Carol Lucan, a 22-year old lady who was to be married. On the eve of her wedding, she was kidnapped and brutally murdered. The police had to file her case unsolved after many years of fruitless searching. With Katy's discovery of her remains, the police could open her file again. Katy's family gave her a proper burial on auspicious land, and from then on, the ghost of the young lady never appeared before them again.

To read more ghost stories, visit, where you will find some of the coolest online short stories.

Article Source: The Forgotten Body - Short Ghost Story

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